Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I truely believe

Today was a very painfull day in my Life , as I lost a gem of a person and an amazing sister. I do not have words to describe what she taught us all throughout this time, but her will power and her wonderfull ability to smile at her own plights was something that only she could do. May her soul rest in peace. Luv u lots Neha...
I dedicate the following text to you, though its not written by me, but in more than many ways your actions and thoughts will now reflect upon me through the following verses...

A Birth Certificate shows we were bornA Death Certificate shows we died
Pictures show we lived!
Have a seat.....relax.. ..and read this slowly.
I Believe... Just because two people argue, Doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, Doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe... We don't have to change friends if We understand friends change.
I Believe.... No matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt You every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I Believe... True friendship continues to grow, even over The longest distance. Same goes for true love. I Believe.... You can do something in an instant That will give you heartache for life.
I Believe... it's taking me a long time To become the person I want to be.
I Believe... You should always leave loved ones with Loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I Believe... You can keep going long after you think you can't.
I Believe... We are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I Believe... Either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I Believe... Heroes are the people who do what has to be done When it needs to be done, regardless of consequences.
I Believe... Money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I Believe... My best friend and I can do anything or nothing And have the best time.
I Believe... Sometimes the people you expect to kick you When you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.
I Believe... Sometimes when I'm angry, I have the right to be angry, But that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I Believe... Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had And what you've learned from them, and less to do With how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I Believe... It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others; Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself..
I Believe.... No matter how bad your heart is broken, The world doesn't stop for your grief.
I Believe... Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, But we are responsible for who we become.
I Believe... You shouldn't be so eager to find Out a secret. It could change your life forever.
I Believe... Two people can look at the exact same Thing and see something totally different..
I Believe... Your life can be changed in a matter of Hours by people who don't even know you.
I Believe... Even when you think you have no more to give, when A friend cries out to you - you will find the strength to help.
I Believe... Credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I Believe... The people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
'The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of anything..

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Opportunity called " LIFE "

6.21pm 19/05/2009 on my clock..
I m experiencing something which in my own terms have named them unusual. I m blank at the same time filled with n number of emotions and each emotion wanting to express itself in the form of thought, and I can experience a bottle neck of thoughts wanting to be penned down on paper, so that the conscious me can realize what body, soul and subconscious mind wants to say.
Pardon me for the unsorted order of thoughts but plotting everything as it comes to me; may be I can categorize the thoughts , few thoughts talk about the spiritual me and some thoughts talk about the world around me …(distracted)
What is this world ??? I am asking myself…(whether I like this question or not…but such type of questions had always been lingering in my mind)..
At times there are such wonderful insights that it seems I’ve found all the answers to every question, but I am not able to hold that frame of mind to keep myself enlightened throughout. It’s a very tough ask to maintain a mental balance and control one’s thoughts to an extent that one gains control on oneself as whole.

What am I?
Why am I here?
If I am here then why is it a task altogether to identify one’s purpose of life and understanding the real goal of coming into this world?

Its said that every problem comes with a solution and that no lock is designed without keys?
So if Life is what I m given with then life itself will give me answers, provided I look for them and I have the vision to identify them.

The above note was written on the evening before my grand mother passed away. The feeling of discomfort was gripping me, I had no idea that I would loose my granny in few hours. I do not know what made me write the above note, but I wanted to share it with someone. I was thinking about the distant worlds and the world that we stay in, the connection among them and why do people experience so much pain in their transition from this physical world to the worlds elsewhere. I guess, I am thinking too much; to which my parents and elders point out from time to time. But old habits die hard, hence if not for the outer worlds , atleast for the world that I live in, I need to understand what , why , how and when of this world. So here I m searching for answers about myself, life and my purpose of existence. After a lot of surfing, reading some books, interacting with people, even through the hints on life from the text messages this is what I can conclude.
“ Just like in a video game a player selects his weapons before hand, so do we before we are born, we select all the pains in all their forms as we want, select our strengths and weaknesses . Once we are born here, we are driven by situations which are already scripted ‘ hence we say, everything is pre-written’ , however we humans are given the freedom of thought and actions ‘hence people say our destiny is in our own hands’ and both are equally true. If a person is aware about himself, he certainly knows what to do when, n hence becomes master of his destiny irrespective of the situations he faces; thereby he controls the situation than situation controlling him. On the other side, if a person is not aware of him, he falls prey to situations and allows himself to be driven by situation. In any case our deeds matter a lot, if we have good deeds to our credit we have better resources at hand, if not then it’s the other way round. Each and every person’s life is an inter-related event, and their outcomes do affect each other. So if you do anything it’s going to affect people around you, depending on our action, the effect may be big or small, good or bad, but there will be some vibes that will be projected. So all the people out there, including me need to ensure we should try and spread as much love, care, affection and positive energy as we can; not just towards people around us, but towards animals, plants and environment on the whole.
Also, to every wish that we make, the almighty will never give us those things. Instead he will give us an opportunity to get those things for ourselves. Like say if you ask for love he won’t give you the feeling of love, he will send a person in your life and give you the opportunity to experience love. If you ask for a big house he won’t give you the big house, rather he’ll give you the opportunity to be able to buy a big house. To every wish that we have, mere intent is enough to get you started, grab the opportunity before hand and see your dreams come true.”
Deep within I feel that whatever I have come across so far has been very enlightening and there’s so much more to come. At times it’s more like a fairytale, but even if things aren’t that way I would love to stay in my own world of fairy tales. There are still so many questions that are left unanswered and some many things to be known. As and when I come across anything will post it right then. Till then have a great time. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Some Self-Knowledge

Hey everyone,
its been very long since my last post...but havent really been in the mood to gather thoughts and put them together, so is the case now, but then I found this small note written by me long time back, n i realised that i myself had answers to my questions, its an amazing feeling having found the answers widin me. But then not every aspect of a person is stable to let the person as a summation of mind -body -soul to work together, rather significant and continous efforts need to be taken to maintain the integrity. The wellness of each aspect is important for the smooth functioning , because in case of failure things get worse and even the things that are there in front of u and widin ur reach, seem to be so far and out of reach.
And thats exactly what happened, when a person who knew where his goal was, yet misdirected towards distractions. As a traveller on this journey of life, there are many illusions, few experienced and many more to come. But with every passing lane along my journey I m sumwat able to what these illusions are , and hopefully will soon realise why they are there in 1st place. Anyways moving on, since right now all the action takes place on the educational front , so got wonderfull insights on how actually one shud study, it may be dat most of the people would already know abt it, but i feel so glad abt this enlightment dat i cant help putting it on my blog. So what follows next is the text dat struck me BIG time in a positive way...
Hey hiee,

Well u must b all busy tryin to mug up those subjects, or u really finding it difficult. well u know wat u aint different dan any1 else, every1's sailing in the same boat.

Giving a deep thought to are actions and our responsibilty towards are studies and eventually towards are ownself, we'l find dat we are being lot more ignorant. yes when we ask ourself this question and search for a frank answer this is wat we learn but then we keep manipulating ourself and run away from da reality.

so need not tell u more about what exactly are u going thruh, cos u are already aware but mite b ignorant. So now is the time to remove away the ignorance and truely start educating ourself. u'd think then wat have u been doing so far?? we'l we have been so far just collecting information.

To b very frank we have all taken our education in the wrong way. what we gather through our textbooks n thruh lectures is just information or the processes n phenomenons dat gave rise to those particular theories. But do we ever pay attention to y do we have those topics in our syllabus. this is da missing chain which takes away the fun from our studies. Studing is a really fun way of knowing oneself and other's without switching the medium. "WE GET ONLY ONE CHANCE FOR SCHOOLING IN OUR LIFE BUT THE EDUCATION STAYS WITH US FOR THE LIFETIME". so when so much important is this phase, why just let it go waste. Lets make true use of it.

The point is " No Pain No Gain". true is the fact that we have to take efforts to get and achieve all what we want, but then when we understand n realise what we have to do, then the process becomes fairly easy and interesting.
So take up topics that u like from any subject and find out the facts related to it, understand the story behind it, who made it possible and y it happened in 1st place. Being science student our life depends on Cause-effect relationship. So if we realise this now then later it will b a rather smoother road. This is the process of finding out the why, how , when and what of things, which will truely educate you, rather than just imparting information. And when you put all these scrambled pieces together you'l get to see a beautifull picture which we then choose to be our profession, and excel in it. Be affirmative to changes , and change for the Good of urself. Always consider the bigger picture in life. Realise where u want to go, and crave ur raodmap towards ur goal. persistent hardwork, honesty and faith in urself will be definatly be awarded by the almighty wid frutifull results.
Sieze this oppurtunity to make it grand, by gaining knowledge and not just mere information.

I'l certainly give inputs from time to time as i learn things, inputs from ur side are welcome.

God bless u.. All da best !!!