Saturday, January 19, 2008


Once upon a time … is the way, how most of the stories would start. And just like mine, everyone else’s story starts the same way. For, I think that each individual in himself is a story, and the amalgamating such stories forms a chapter, and further such chapters bind together to procreate a book called Life. If we give a deep thought, we will notice that each Era had its own book, and every book projected its own morals. Coming back to primitive aspect of this book called Life, each story is crafted in such a way that no two stories are same, yet so many stories are so much adaptable that they seem to be analogous. And it is this very connection that binds so many stories together, and their conjunction keeps depicting the story further more.
Among all the chapters and among all the stories, one story that I know best is Mine. My story just like anyone else’s is very special and dear to me. The best part is that I am given a chance to play so many roles and that too being restricted to a single character. Out there in the real world lies my stage, where I perform everyday-whether I like it or not. Previously there wasn’t much knowledge about the story or rather the character that I was portraying, but now gradually as the time passes the role is being understood by me and eventually by the audience too. It’s just the start and there’s so much to really understand the different aspects of the character. The character so far is shown to be very strong from within, a soul with never-give-up attitude, loving, caring, moralistic, and ethical , but at the same time timid, over-considerate.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

awesome post dude!!!!!!
keep it up... i always knew u could write....
i'll be watching this space...

Shruti . V Naidu said...

impressed by ur blogs........
dey r really nice n very touchin.....each word with a lot of depth in it....
keep rockin buddy!!!!
god bless n gud luck!!!!
have a bright future!!!
keep smiling :)

Nitin said...

great post dude.....
keep it up....